06. veljače 2024. godine članovi delegacije predvođeni državnim tajnikom Domagojem Mikulićem i ravnateljicom uprave Stellom Arneri su zajedno s Upraviteljem Programa i Programskim partnerom (Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar), odradili su čitav niz aktivnosti, s ciljem informiranja istih o dosadašnjim postignućima u provedbi kako projekata, tako i samog Programa „Energija i klimatske promjene“. U tu svrhu, organiziran je terenski posjet projektu „ Sunčani krovovi u Općini Andrijaševci, Stari Jankovci i Općini Privlaka.
Tijekom posjeta prikazani su konkretni rezultati te su održani sastanci s Nositeljima projekata i partnerima projekta. U okviru projekta postavljeno je 11 sunčanih elektrana na zgrade javne namjene u općinama Andrijaševci, Stari Jankovci i Privlaka. Cilj projekta je povećanje proizvodnje sunčane energije, kao i jačanje kapaciteta za upravljanje i promicanje korištenja obnovljivih izvora energije (OIE).
Na sastancima je, između ostalog, bilo riječi i o izazovima s kojima su se susretali Nositelji projekata prilikom provedbe istih, kao i mogućnostima kapitalizacije rezultata pojedinih projekata u budućnosti.
Visit of a delegation from the Financial Mechanisms Office of the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Administration as part of the "Energy and Climate Change" Program
On February 6, 2024, members of the delegation led by State Secretary Domagoj Mikulić and director of administration Stella Arneri, together with the Program Manager and Program Partner (Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar), carried out a whole series of activities, with the aim of informing them about the achievements so far in the implementation of the projects , as well as the "Energy and Climate Change" Program itself. For this purpose, a field visit to the project "Solar roofs in Andrijaševci, Stari Jankovci and Privlaka municipalities" was organized.
During the visit, concrete results were presented and meetings were held with the Project Managers and project partners. As part of the project, 11 solar power plants were installed on public buildings in the municipalities of Andrijaševci, Stari Jankovci and Privlaka. The goal of the project is to increase the production of solar energy, as well as to strengthen the management capacity and promote the use of renewable energy sources (RES). At the meetings, among other things, the challenges faced by the project holders during their implementation were discussed, as well as the possibilities of capitalizing the results of individual projects in the future.