Međunarodna konferencija „Energetski i klimatski izazovi u Republici Hrvatskoj“ održana od 13. do 14. travnja 2023. godine. u Dubrovniku
Otvaranje konferencije upriličili su visoki dužnosnici Republike Hrvatske, Kraljevine Norveške i Islanda, a događaj je obuhvatio relevantnu političku i operativnu razinu s naglaskom na Program „Energija i klimatske promjene“, odnosno generalno područje energetike i obnovljivih izvora energije. Nadalje, naglasak je bio na postojećem stanju stvari i realizaciji programskih aktivnostima te perspektivi Programa koji bi se putem bespovratnih sredstava financijskog mehanizma Europskog gospodarskog prostora (EGP) i u budućnosti provodio u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Tijekom konferencije stavio se fokus na smanjenje emisije CO2, o čemu su govorili ključni govornici, predstavnici institucija energetike iz Republike Hrvatske, Kraljevine Norveške i Islanda te dužnosnici gradova i županija u Hrvatskoj u kojima se aktivno radi na provedbi projekata ugovorenih u sklopu Programa „Energija i klimatske promjene“. Osim toga, u širem kontekstu se posvetila pažnja klimatskoj politici i politici okoliša u sklopu EGP i Norveškog financijskog mehanizma, o čemu su govorili predstavnici Upravitelja Programa iz Hrvatske i drugih zemalja korisnika EGP i Norveškog financijskog mehanizma.
Također, za kraj su bile i interaktivne rasprave s ciljem razmjene iskustava i najboljih praksi u područjima sunčane energije, energije mora te geotermalne energije.
International conference “Energy and Climate Challenges in the Republic of Croatia”
International conference “Energy and Climate Challenges in the Republic of Croatia” held from 13 to 14 April 2023 in Dubrovnik.
The conference opening welcomed senior officials from the Republic of Croatia, the Kingdom of Norway and Iceland, while the event covered topics at a relevant political and operative level with a special emphasis on the “Energy and Climate Changes” program, namely the general field of energy and renewable energy sources. Furthermore, special emphasis was placed on the current state of affairs and realization of the program activities as well as the perspective of the Program which could also be carried out in the future in the Republic of Croatia through grants from the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism.
The main topic of the conference was the reduction of CO2 emissions, with key speeches given by representatives of energy institutions from the Republic of Croatia, the Kingdom of Norway and Iceland, as well as the officials from cities and counties in Croatia actively working on the implementation of the projects contracted under the “Energy and Climate Changes” program. Besides that, in a broader context, special attention was given to the issue of climate policy and environmental policy within the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism, which was discussed by the representatives of Program Managers in Croatia and other EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism beneficiary countries.
Also, interactive discussions with the aim of sharing experiences and the best practices in the fields of solar energy, marine renewable energy and geothermal energy were carried out to conclude the whole event.